Weekly Food Distribution at Central Lutheran

Guatemala Mission Trip Update #2

Guatemala Mission Trip Update - Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Bethel's Burrito Ministry

Every Saturday Morning

Another successful Wednesday of feeding those in need with Fe y Esperanza!

Bethel Partners with Central Lutheran for Expanded Outreach

Central Lutheran Church in Van Nuys is a life-line for hundreds of families in the San Fernando Valley distributing bags of food for over 600 families a week! They do this on a shoe-string budget and the hard work of dozens of dedicated volunteers as well as ongoing support from the Twin Valleys Lutheran Parish. Bethel has made a one-year commitment to partner with them in their wonderful outreach ministry. Our commitment (both financial and in-person) will enable the following programs to continue and expand:

  • Weekly food distribution for 650-700 households 
  • Retain Vista-Americorp person (grant writing, mission development, fundraising)
  • Hire a part-time Community Garden Coordinator - Central has a sizeble community garden that is under-utilized for a variety of reasons. Community gardens are proven to assist in helping people become food-independent while providing high-quality, heathy food. Other benefits and goals for this position:
    • more regular general Garden learning days for all ages
    • consistent semi-annual Master Gardener-led classes for adults (per UC ANR restrictions)
    • year-round Kids in the Garden programs (currently only available in Summer)
    • Expanded garden intern program - which has fostered and developed two youth leaders in our community over the last three years – with better supervision
    • ADDITIONAL upper-age scout projects (Eagle, Gold projects) to rehabilitate the facilities
    • incorporation of more students from surrounding high schools
    • Develop a cadre of garden volunteers (including from the Sherman Oaks Garden Club, LA Valley College, local high schools, scouting organizations, a 4H program with parent participation, and CSUN students) to take on the longer-term care and oversight of the Garden and Orchard in collaboration with the church. 
  • Additional community outreach through faith experiences and connecting neighbors to quality-of--life-improving programs. 
  • Leadership and connection through other community-serving, trust-building events such as
    •  Immigration clinics (these are likely happening twice a year with CLUE-Justice, who bring immigration attorneys in to help people find their path forward to the next level of status in residency and/or citizenship.
    • Outreach to clients about MediCal benefits for all ages, newly opened in California for adults 18 – 60’s (formerly only children and seniors qualified), along with the registration and recertification processes for this insurance.
    • Other social and community issues, such as CERT training in Spanish, Neighborhood Watch organizing, Emergency Response training / neighborhood equipment.

Central Lutheran's Weekly Food Distribution